Privacy Policy

Declaration regarding the protection of personal data


Thank you for your trust and for providing your personal data. We consider it our duty to treat them carefully. Our intention is to manage your personal data in compliance with both European and domestic legislation.

This statement is applicable to all persons who contact MARVICON and transmit to it their personal data. When you send us a message, your data may be processed by us. In some cases, we ask for other relevant personal data. We will limit ourselves to the data strictly necessary to provide you with a quality service. Your data can be stored on MARVICON servers that are protected. MARVICON will handle your data confidentially and with the utmost care. It is possible that MARVICON will make available to our contractors some or all of your personal data, in the context of our services and based on the provisions of the legislation in the field or the agreement of the persons concerned.

The processing of personal data includes:

  • collection,
  • registration,
  • storage,
  • organization,
  • update,
  • modification,
  • request,
  • consultation,
  • use,
  • combining and eliminating them.

MARVICON processes personal identification data, financial identification data, electronic identification data and professional identification data. These personal data may be taken over for the following purposes:

  1. customer management,
  2. supplier management,
  3. accounting processing,
  4. staff recruitment,
  5. managing disputes and executing contracts.

When you provide us with data for the purpose of requesting information or an offer, we will process your data for the purpose of offering, preparing and executing the contract or to offer you a new service, marketing or commercial action.

When we have a legitimate interest in the processing of your personal data, MARVICON will do our best to maintain a balance between the interest of the company and the protection of your personal data.

Your personal data may be transmitted to companies that cooperate with MARVICON or the competent authorities in the context of legal and regulatory obligations. MARVICON does not process data on racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, sexual orientation.

In order to ensure the security of the computer systems that contain your personal data, there are passwords, encryption software, firewalls, antivirus software and controls on access to MARVICON buildings and rooms. We also collaborate with an external company specialized in IT support that is responsible for the security of the MARVICON network, IT infrastructure and IT systems.

If, however, there is a leak of your personal data with negative consequences on you, MARVICON will contact you in accordance with the legal provisions and thereafter, if necessary, inform the National Data Protection Authorities.

As a natural person, you have the right to be informed about the origin and processing of your personal data within MARVICON, as well as the purposes of collecting such data. You also have the right to modify your personal data which are incomplete. or incorrect and to allow their limited use. Some of the collected data cannot be erased for legal reasons. (eg data on seniority in work, payment status, etc.) In these cases we will inform you, upon request, whether we are required by law to keep this data, or other data for other purposes.

According to the law, the following rights are recognized as a data subject:

a) Right of access
you can get confirmation from us that we process your personal data as well information regarding the specific processing.

b) The right to correct the data
you can request us to modify your personal data incorrectly or, as the case may be, to complete it data that is incomplete.

c) Right to delete
you may request the deletion of personal data when: (i) these are no longer required for the purposes for which we collected and processed them; (ii) you have withdrawn consent for the processing of data and we can no longer process them on others legal grounds; (iii) the data are processed against the law; respectively (iv) the data must be deleted according to the relevant legislation. 

d) Withdrawal of consent and right of opposition
you can withdraw your consent at any time on data processing consent. You can also oppose processing at any time marketing, including profiling for this purpose, as well as processing based on the legitimate interest of the Company, for reasons related to your specific situation.

e) Restricting
under certain conditions you may request the restriction of the processing of your personal data

f) The right to data portability
as we process the data by automated means, you can ask us in the conditions of the law, to provide your data in a structured form, used frequently and which can be read automatically. If you request this, we can send the data to another entity, if technically possible.

g) The right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority
you have the right to file a complaint with the data processing supervisory authority if you consider that your rights have been violated: The National Authority for the Supervision of Personal Data in Romania.

Your data is kept until the end of the collaboration with our company, unless a period of retention is required by law.

You also have the right to transfer your personal data to another data provider.

To update your personal data, please inform us of any changes.

If you believe that MARVICON did not process your personal data correctly, please contact us to find a solution together.

Responsible for the processing of personal data at S.C. MARVICON S.R.L. is Nicula Alexandru ( phone 0725 938 177.



Legal Adviser Nicula Alexandru

ilie 1140

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